A new study found that people who live a sedentary lifestyle are at risk for arthritis and other painful conditions at a younger age.
Denis Courtney, a patient of Dr. Karkare who has arthritis, got knee replacement surgery at just 41 years old. His story was featured last week on Long Island News 12 Health Beat.
Here’s the transcription of the video…
Announcer 1: | On the Health Beat, if you live a sedentary lifestyle, you could be at risk for arthritis and other painful conditions at a young age. |
Announcer 2: | That’s according to a new report. Nightside’s Darius Radzius takes a look. |
Announcer 3: | Denis Courtney has been suffering from arthritis much of his young adult life, and it just got worse and worse. |
Patient: | Pain all the time. Walking as just nightmare. |
Announcer 3: | At age 41, he ended up getting knee replacement surgery, a result from an injury he suffered while playing soccer when he was 16 and made worse by his job as a construction worker. |
Patient: | It’s physically demanding. You’re on your knees. You’re up top. You’re laying out. It’s just demanding on the body in general without having a bad knee to begin with. |
Announcer 3: | Although Courtney has lived an active lifestyle, a study shows many of his peers are suffering from the same conditions, but the reason is quite opposite. An international insurance company, Bupa, says, “More adults, ages between 25 and 45 are getting treated for conditions traditionally seen in the elderly, like varicose veins, knee joint problems, and back pain. Dr. Nakul Karkare is an orthopedic surgeon. |
Dr. Karkare: | One of the reasons is obesity. Obesity has become an epidemic. |
Announcer 3: | According to the study, more people are living a sedentary lifestyle, spending more time sitting at desks, watching television, playing video games, or using smartphones and tablets. Making matters worse, Dr. Karkare says, “Most young adults don’t seek treatment until it’s too late.” |
Dr. Karkare: | We have excellent evidence today to show that early treatment not only decreases the short-term pain, but we have excellent long-term outcomes. |
Announcer 3: | He urges people to see a doctor when they experience joint pain instead of letting them fester. |
The study also shows that more younger adults are experiencing neck and back pain from constantly looking down at their phones. In the newsroom, Darius Radzius, News 12, Long Island. |