New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Diagnostic Criteria and Differential Diagnosis in workers compensation patients

The New York State Workers Compensation Board has put together guidelines aimed at aiding physicians, podiatrists, and other healthcare professionals in delivering the right treatment when it comes to Diagnostic Criteria and Differential Diagnosis.

These guidelines from the Workers Compensation Board are designed to be a helpful resource for healthcare professionals when deciding the most suitable level of care for patients dealing with elbow injuries

It’s crucial to emphasize that these guidelines don’t replace the need for clinical judgment or professional experience. The final decision on patient care should be a collaborative one made by the patient and their healthcare provider.


Diagnostic Criteria and Differential Diagnosis of Elbow Injury

The criteria presented  follow the logical steps of clinical reasoning, starting from understanding the cause of illness or injury and ending with specific symptoms and indicators of a particular disorder.

When it comes to elbow problems, the diagnostic skills of the examining doctor are crucial. Sometimes, the patient’s descriptions may align with symptoms radiating from the shoulder or neck, making the doctor’s keen judgment essential.

For instance, even if a patient experiences pain in both the elbow and mid-upper arm, it’s often a sign of a shoulder-related issue rather than an elbow problem.

Keep in mind that lateral elbow pain could stem from various sources like genuine epicondylitis, cervical disc disease (C6), radial nerve entrapment, or radial tunnel syndrome (enthesitis).

Complaints of tingling and/or numbness in the fourth and fifth fingers are commonly associated with ulnar nerve impingement at the elbow, C8 cervical radiculopathy, or ulnar nerve impingement at the wrist.

While considered rare, thoracic outlet syndrome might also be considered. C6 radiculopathy is a frequent alternative diagnosis for lateral epicondylalgia and often presents with lateral elbow pain and thumb paresthesias.

Medial elbow pain could signify issues with the medial collateral ligament. It’s not uncommon for medial epicondylalgia and ulnar neuropathy to coexist at the elbow. When complaints can’t be neatly categorized into a specific condition, a diagnosis of non-specific pain should be considered.

It’s often more prudent to use broad terms than precise labels that might miss the mark. Whether it’s general or localized discomfort, the most accurate diagnosis is often based on findings when there are no clear physical symptoms.

In essence, it’s about finding the right fit rather than sticking too closely to precise labels, especially when dealing with general or localized discomfort. provides a comprehensive guide, outlining the likely diagnosis or injury, the criteria, potential causes, symptoms, warning signs, and the necessary tests and outcomes for evaluation and treatment.


What our office can do if you have workers compensation injuries

We’ve got the expertise to assist you with your workers’ compensation injuries. We grasp the challenges you’re facing and are committed to addressing your medical needs while adhering to the guidelines laid out by the New York State Workers Compensation Board.

Recognizing the significance of your workers’ compensation cases, let us guide you through the complexities of dealing with the workers’ compensation insurance company and your employer.

We understand that this is a tough period for you and your family. If you’re interested in setting up an appointment, reach out to us, and we’ll go the extra mile to make the process as smooth for you as possible.

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