General Guideline Principles for Symptoms and Signs may Include for workers compensation patients

The guidelines formulated by the New York State workers’ compensation board are crafted to aid physicians, podiatrists, and other healthcare professionals in delivering suitable treatment for symptoms and signs that may be present.

These Workers Compensation Board guidelines are designed to assist healthcare professionals in determining the right level of care for patients with Symptoms and Signs.

It’s crucial to note that these guidelines don’t replace clinical judgment or professional experience. The final decision about care should be a collaborative effort between the patient and their healthcare provider.


Symptoms and Signs May Include

  • Continuous, intense burning or throbbing pain, typically confined to one leg.
  • Symptoms often appear disproportionate to the triggering event, with symptoms frequently preceding the trauma.
  • Pain isolated without radiation.
  • Pain that significantly worsens with activity.
  • Heightened sensitivity to touch, extreme tenderness, and pain upon light pressure or probing.
  • Increased sensitivity to cold.
  • Changes in skin tone, including pallor and mottling.
  • Swelling of the affected limb.
  • Alterations in skin texture.
  • Changes in hair and nail appearance.
  • Muscle twitches.
  • Allodynia and/or hyperesthesia.
  • Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) with temperature asymmetry, skin color changes, or color asymmetry.
  • Reduced range of motion and/or impaired movement; edema; alterations in sweating; and/or sweating asymmetry (weakness, tremor, dystonia).
  • Trophic changes (hair, nail, skin).


What our office can do if you have workers compensation injuries

We bring our expertise to assist you with your workers’ compensation injuries. We empathize with your situation, ensuring your medical needs are met while adhering to the guidelines established by the New York State Workers Compensation Board.

Recognizing the significance of your workers’ compensation cases, let us guide you through the complexities of dealing with the workers’ compensation insurance company and your employer.

We understand that this is a stressful time for you and your family. If you wish to schedule an appointment, please reach out to us, and we’ll make every effort to ease the process for you as much as possible.

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