New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Tendinitis / Tenosynovitis in workers compensation patients

The New York State workers compensation board has developed these guidelines to help physicians, and other healthcare professionals provide appropriate treatment for Tendinitis / Tenosynovitis

These Workers Compensation Board guidelines are intended to assist healthcare professionals in making decisions regarding the appropriate level of care for their patients withTendinitis / Tenosynovitis.

The guidelines are not a substitute for clinical judgement or professional experience. The ultimate decision regarding care must be made by the patient in consultation with his or her healthcare provider.



Description / Definition

Inflammation of the lining of the tendon sheath or of the enclosed tendon. Usually occurs at the point of insertion into bone or a point of muscular origin. Can be associated with bursitis, or calcium deposits or systemic connective diseases.


Mechanism of Injury

May be caused by extreme or repetitive trauma, strain, or excessive unaccustomed exercise or work.


Specific Physical Findings

Involved tendons may be visibly swollen with possible fluid accumulation and inflammation; popping or crepitus; and decreased range of motion.


Diagnostic Testing Procedures

Not Recommended – diagnostic testing procedures for Tendinitis/Tenosynovitis are rarely indicated and thus is not recommended.


Non-Operative Treatment

Rest/restricted activity, off-loading with crutches or cane, NSAIDS, APAP, that may be followed by active and/or passive therapy, including ergonomic changes at workstation(s), NSAIDs, therapeutic injections.
Recommended- in select patients as clinically indicated.


Surgical Indications

Suspected avulsion fracture or severe functional impairment unresponsive to conservative therapy.


Operative Treatment

Rarely indicated and only after extensive conservative therapy.
Recommended – in very select patients.
Indications: Suspected avulsion fracture or severe functional impairment unresponsive to conservative therapy.


Post-Operative Therapy

Recommended – in select patients as clinically indicated.


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